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No.281 Nessie
Rarity  RarityRarityRarityRarity2Rarity2Rarity2Rarity3Rarity3Rarity3
Vitality S Fertility D
Evolution D Adaptation A
Trophic LV A Size S
An animal similar to Plesiosaurus that emerged in very wide, flat shallows. It had adapted to cool climates, and was named by humans.
Height icon Height Shallows
Temp icon Birth Temp. 13°C ~ 23°C
Temp icon Adaptation Temp. -3°C ~ 38°C

Nessie is one of the organisms in Birthdays the Beginning.

Birth Requirements[ | ]

For Nessie to appear Modern humans must be present.

Evolution Relations[ | ]

No.133 Plesiosaurus
Mutated from
Modern human
No.279 Modern human
Needs to be around for Nessie to appear.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Nessie is one of several cryptids in the game. It is based on the Loch Ness Monster.

Sources:[ | ]


No.280 Yeti Organisms No.282 Desert raptor